ReSize - Frequently Asked Questions

Common Technical Support Problems and Questions:

Will ReSize work with Microsoft Access?

Using a CoolBar crashes my system .

Will ReSize work in Active X documents?

My program crashes when I include the ReSize control. (links to a sublist)

ReSize is not properly resizing a one or more controls on my form. (links to a sublist)

After testing an install of a program containing a ReSize control, ReSize is unable to locate the RESIZOCX.LIC development license.

Windows reports that it is unable to register ReSize OCX.

My program runs very slow after adding ReSize.

Everything on my form is out of sync when I try to use the ReSize control.

I changed resolutions and ReSize didn't work properly.

My application's install program is unable to register the ReSize OCX control.

The drop down list of a combo box or drive list box resizes strangely in 16-bit VB 4.0.

 My program crashes when I include the ReSize control.

ReSize is not properly resizing a one or more controls on my form.

Copyright © 2007 by Larcom and Young.
All rights reserved. Revised: January 21, 2007.